The Government published the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong in December 2017, setting out 76 initiatives under six smart areas, namely “Smart Mobility”, “Smart Living”, “Smart Environment”, “Smart People”, “Smart Government” and “Smart Economy”. Among them, the digital infrastructure projects and other major initiatives have been implemented as planned.
The Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong 2.0 was published in December 2020, putting forth over 130 initiatives which continue to enhance and expand existing city management measures and services. The new initiatives aim to bring benefits and convenience to the public so that residents can better perceive the benefits from smart city and innovation and technology (I&T) in their daily lives. Examples are application of “Building Information Modelling”, enhancement of smart tourism platforms, establishment of the LawTech Fund, development of the Traffic Data Analytics System, and Smart Village pilots, etc.

The Smart City portal ( serves as a bridge of communications between the Government and members of the public. We will update regularly the progress of these smart city initiatives and provide real-time city data dashboards. Members of the public can also submit their views and suggestions on different initiatives and subjects.
Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau
Embrace innovation and technology to build a world-famed Smart Hong Kong
characterised by a strong economy and high quality of living

To make people happier, healthier, smarter and more prosperous, and the city greener, cleaner, more livable, sustainable, resilient and competitive

To enable the business to capitalise on Hong Kong’s renowned business-friendly environment to foster innovation, transform the city into a living lab and test bed for development

To provide better care for the elderly and youth and foster a stronger sense of community. To make the business, people and Government more digitally enabled and technology savvy

To consume fewer resources and make Hong Kong more environmental friendly, while maintaining its vibrancy, efficiency and livability